Applications management

Applications management

  • An administrator can see all applications in their organization on the Applications page.

  • An administrator can edit the application name, archive or delete an application by clicking on icons



  • An administrator can list and modify the roles defined in a application

there is three roles available for a user

  • manager : The manager is usually the person who created the application and the person responsible for the application. An application requires at least one manager. A manager can edit the name, archive or delete their application. He can make measurement. He can open the application and remove or disable measure.

  • contributor : The contributor can make measurement. He can open the application and remove or disable measures.

  • viewer : The viewer can see and open the application but can’t change anything and can’t add measurement on it.


  • An administrator can open and modify any application on meter tab

  • An administrator cannot add measures (using CLI or TestRunner or Web interface benchmark) to an application where he does not have a contributor or manager role. But roles can be added by configuring the application roles.


for example, in Benchmark page, the administrator only see the applications where he has a contributor or manager role