January 2025
This new version of Greenspector Studio introduces key features to enhance the analysis and optimization of your applications.
🔹 Feature Comparison: A brand-new page allows you to easily compare the results of different tested features (Step grouping) to better understand their impact.
🔹 Configuration Comparison: Test your applications under various conditions! You can now compare performance across different smartphone models and networks (GSM, Wi-Fi…).
🔹 Metric Evolution Over Time: Track the impact of your optimizations with a new page that lets you visualize the evolution of a specific metric over time, step by step.
With these new features, Greenspector Studio offers even more precision and flexibility in analyzing your results. Try it now! 🚀
New Features
Greenspector Studio
New page with domains comparison
It was possible to assign domains to the stages to group them. A new page now allows you to view the metrics by domain with the distribution of the steps.
New management of access rights
We have integrated more detailed management of rights. This functionality is not accessible to users but will make it possible to provide access management by group or user in the future.
New page with configurations comparison
It is now possible to view the measurements of the same version with different configurations (WiFi vs GSM, several smartphones, etc.). A configuration settings page allows you to select the default configuration.
New page with evolution graphs of each metric during each stage
The detailed view allows you to visualize the behavior of each metric during the step and for each iteration.
This allows you to go deeper into analyzing the application's behavior and identify areas for improvement.
It is also possible for Android applications to track technical metrics such as the number of activities, views, etc.
Possibility of subscribing in self-service (beta)
Greenspector opens up to more people by offering the ability to subscribe to Greenspector Studio in self-service. This is currently available with restricted access.
Telephone dedicated to an organization
It is possible to provide a smartphone for permanent organization. This makes it possible to offer certain capabilities: Application without uninstallation at the end of the test, specific configuration of the smartphone... In addition, this makes it possible to meet security constraints in certain contexts.
Greenspector Studio
New tag on menu to indicate new menu
An “N” indicates new menus.
Can launch job with network mode 5G
The 5G option can be used on the Testrunner to run your tests on your local phones.
Bug Fixes
Greenspector Studio
No evolution graph for benchmark
For some benchmarks, evolution graph could not be viewed.
No update of iteration on existing versions
New iterations on existing versions could not be record.
Last version with no co2 metrics on evolution view
Last version with no co2 metrics on evolution view
Some views could crash if data are missing
In some analysis, if some metrics are not available, some views or graphs could not be rendered.
New version for benchmark action and version list page were not authorized for all user
With new right management feature, some page and action wasn’t anymore available.
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