09 - How to read a dashboard

09 - How to read a dashboard

update 29 aug 2024

Global Ecoscore calculation

Dashboard’s Ecoscore is the average of our three main metrics :

  • Time performance of the service

  • Network data exchanges

  • Energy consumption

Global Ecoscore calculation
  • The Ecoscore allows to award a Greenspector certification:

    • Gold level - 100 to 90

    • Silver level - 90 to 70

    • Bronze level - 70 to 50

  • Main metrics are given with a not and an absolute value:

    • Time in seconds for performance : only loading, action and scroll steps are taking into account

    • Consumption in MB for data

    • Consumption in mAh for energy

  • Scores details between critical and non-critical steps is available below. Global score are calculated with a weighted average :

    • 0.7 for critical scores

    • 0.3 for non-critical scores

Critical and non-critical score impact


Specific metric calculation

For each domain, each step is marked out of 5 to calculate the global score of each metric

  • Each step of the user journey is analysed for each metric : performance, data, energy

  • Specific threshold by step type are applied to rate each step with a mark out of 5

  • A weighted average is used to get a global note

First conclusion





Between 80 and 100

Amazing !
Service is sober and ideal for a mobile experience. Users won’t notice any performance issues nor any reduction in battery life. Well done.

Between 60 and 80

Application is ready for the a mobile experience. Users may notice minor performance issues and reduced battery life over a period of time.

Between 40 and 60

Improvements needed
Application isn't quite sober and ready for the mobile experience. Users may notice poor performance, reduced battery life... and eventually stop using the service.

Between 20 and 40

Major improvements needed
Unfortunately, the application has major flaws that will affect the mobile experience and impact the environment. Users will probably notice poor performance, reduced battery life and end up switching to a better service.

Between 0 and 20

Critical improvements needed
Unfortunately, the application has critical flaws that can’t provide a smooth mobile experience. Users will suffer from very poor performance, a significant reduction in battery life will quickly stop using the service.