About Greenspector Studio

About Greenspector Studio

What is Greenspector Studio?

Greenspector Studio offers a solution to measure different metrics (performance, energy and data consumption) on different targets, with different types of tests. It also provides an environmental impact assessment based on measurements and our impact model.

It's a tool that's primarily aimed at developers and technical teams, but it's also accessible to communication and marketing teams.

 Greenspector Studio, a solution for the direct measurement of energy and resource consumption on real terminals to validate sobriety before going into production.


A new type of test to validate new Software Quality requirements as an integrated part of your processes: move from DevOps to DevGreenOps

  1. Measure during design and development, to inform UX or technical choices

  2. Validate with automatic tests after each build or release

  3. Test in Production, Monitor to detect incidents quickly

Whether you're working on existing projects, new projects or redesign projects, Greenspector Studio can support and manage the eco-design of your digital services, contributing to more sustainable and environmentally-friendly development practices.

About Greenspector

Greenspector is a French company specialising in assessing and optimising the energy performance of software. Founded in 2010, Greenspector is one of the pioneers of digital responsibility in France and worldwide, offering solutions for measuring, analysing and reducing the resource consumption of web and mobile applications, as well as connected objects. Greenspector helps businesses improve the energy efficiency of their digital services, thereby helping to reduce their carbon footprint.

Greenspector's main services include :

  1. Sobriety audit: Assessment of energy consumption and other metrics of web and mobile applications to identify sources of over-consumption.

  2. Optimisation: Recommendations and solutions to reduce software resource consumption, increasing efficiency and performance.

  3. Training and awareness: Training sessions to train technical teams and raise their awareness of energy efficiency and eco-design issues.

Greenspector has already won many customers in France and around the world. Most of them are major accounts, ranging from banking to retailing, as well as public services.

More than 100 customers are reducing the impact of their digital services for their 165 million users and 500,000 agents in the field.

In short, Greenspector has positioned itself as a key actor in the field of digital eco-design, helping companies to develop software that is more respectful of the environment.