05 - Verify Network - Windows - Android

05 - Verify Network - Windows - Android

update 29 aug 2024

After tools installation, we will check the access to Greenspector’s servers: it’s necessary to launch test on our Testbench, and to send tests results after a test on a local device.

  • Open a command prompt and type the following command:

gspt init -a https://core-saas-prod.greenspector.com/api -p [privateToken]

Replace [privateToken] with the right information available in Greenspector Core Saas, in settings.

If a custom server is used, replace also https://core-saas-prod.greenspector.com/api with the right URL.

  • After initialization, try to reach server:

gspt ping

You should receive a confirmation of a successful ping to core-saas-prod.greenspector.com:

Command prompt output

Several case of failure can happen:

  1. Bad token, the following message should appear:

Unauthorized. Your token may be invalid. Please check your configuration.
  • Simply check token and redo initialization step.

  1. Bad server URL, the following message should appear:

  • Simply check server URL and redo initialization step.

  1. Proxy issues, the following message should appear:

  • Test server URL (example https://core-saas-prod.greenspector.com/api) on a regular browser. A blank page with “Ok” should appear:

    • If not, it’s a server URL problem. Simply check server URL and redo initialization step.

    • If yes, a proxy should probably be configured.

To confirm that a proxy is needed, try to ping with a mobile hotspot connection. If the test pass, you need to configure a proxy on your regular connection.

  • Use the following function:

  • Give the proxy information. Here’s an example of gspt set-proxy questions:

If proxy configuration is unknown, open your browser settings and search proxy with search field. Use the founded information to answer gspt set-proxy questions.

Sometimes you may find url like https://wpad.myorganisation.fr/wpad.dat (wpad.[organization]/wpad.dat with [organization] your organization domain name). Open this url in your browser and you should see proxy information to use with command gspt set-proxy.