In order to describe a user navigation scenario, a script must be written using the GDSL language. This allows to automate the navigation of your application on the measurement bench's smartphones, and to take measurements along the scenario.
Basic structure
In the script file, each step is built according to the same GDSL command model :
startMeasure,Step name GDSL instructions (input, click, scroll, check application display, pause, etc.) StopMeasure
Every instruction between measureStart
and measureStop
will be measured and everything outside will be ignored.
The smartphones on the Test bench are configured in English only. This must be taken into account when creating the script (texts detected in English, buttons in English, etc.).
Standard technical steps
at the beginning of the script
allows measurement of smartphone without the application or browser without the site
:at the end of the script
measure of the application in background then killed.
Steps types
There are 4 types of steps used and currently indicated in prefix of step name:
Load :
Action :
Scroll :
Pause :
Load :
Prefix of step name :
Ended by waiting for an element in the new view (use of a keyword starting with Wait)
measureStart,CHRGT_example pressEnter waitUntilText,Accept cookies pause,1000 measureStop
Action :
Prefix of step name :
Typical use is an action with doesn’t result in the display of a new view
Several actions can be grouped if it makes a functional sense
measureStart,ACTION_example clickByText,Accept cookies pause,500 clickById,onetrust-accept-btn-handler pause,1000 measureStop
Scroll :
measureStart,SCROLL_example swipeDownward pause,500 swipeDownard pause,1000 measureStop
Pause :
Prefix of step name :
Typical use is to observe the behaviour of the page without user action to detect unusual data or energy consumption
Unit : ms
measureStart,PAUSE_example pause,30000 measureStop
Language format
1 instruction by line
comment with
on a separate lineeventual parameters follow instruction separated by
Several instruction are available to help you to automate your user journey. Here are the prefix of the main commands:
instructions are related to start, kill, clear, install or uninstall appsassert
instructions allow to check the presence of an elementbrowser
instructions are special instructions to manage browser for web testsclick
instructions offer several way to click on buttons by text, id, position, etcfind
instructions let you enter in UI elements hierarchy to easily browse to a specific elementpause
to pause test during a certain amount of timepress
instructions are useful to activate special buttons, as keyboard or physical buttonsscroll
instructions are helpful after a page change to wait a page to be fully loaded
Variables can be used with ${PARAMETERNAME}
. Variables can be useful if an information is recurrent or if it is sensitive content as an ID, a password, etc.
They have to be defined in:
launch command for Testbench test
for local test inextras
No special characters supported in parameter name
No spaces in parameter name
It is useful for pause duration for example. Here are 4 pause variable types we recommend to use:
Variable | Location | Function | Usual value (ms) |
| Pause step |
| 30000 (30 sec) |
| Load, Action, Scroll step |
| 1000 (1 sec) |
| Action step |
| 500 (0,5 sec) |
| Scroll step |
| 500 (0,5 sec) |
These indications are just propositions, it is possible to adapt them for tests (PAUSEDURATION
at 1000 ms during tests and at 30000 ms during measures) or for you specified needs.
To be able to analyse the service and to obtain comparable measurements with our Ecoscore, some good practices has to be followed in GDSL redaction.
Start for an application
# Preparation # applicationClearData,MYPACKAGE applicationKill,MYPACKAGE pause,${PAUSEAFTERLOAD} # Reference app killed # measureStart,PAUSE_reference pause,${PAUSEDURATION} measureStop # Start app # measureStart,CHRGT_launch applicationStart,MYPACKAGE waitUntilText,MYTEXT pause,${PAUSEAFTERLOAD} measureStop # Reference app # measureStart,PAUSE_launch pause,${PAUSEDURATION} measureStop
Please update MYPACKAGE
with your data.
In this part, we successively :
Clear our application and ensure it is stopped
Do a reference measure of device
Measure app launch
Do a pause measure to analyse app in idle
Start for a website
We will use Chrome browser with package
for this example. By default, browser
instructions use Chrome, but you can’t define an alternative browser with setBrowser
At the beginning :
# Preparation # applicationKill, browserPrepareAndOpenForReference pause,${PAUSEAFTERLOAD} # Blank tab reference # measureStart,PAUSE_referenceBrowser pause,${PAUSEDURATION} measureStop browserGoToUrl,MYURL # Loading step # assertNotExistsText,MYTEXT measureStart,CHRGT_home pressEnter waitUntilText,MYTEXT pause,${PAUSEAFTERLOAD} measureStop # Pause step # measureStart,PAUSE_home pause,${PAUSEDURATION} measureStop
Please update MYURL
with your data.
In this part, we successively :
Ensure Chrome isn’t started, then open it
Do a reference measure of Chrome to separate browser and website consumption
Enter the URL of our website
Verify the text we are waiting for after loading doesn’t already exist
Launch page loading
Wait for loading end by waiting for the text
Do a pause measure to analyse the page in idle
End for all
# Pause app in background # pressHome pause,${PAUSEAFTERLOAD} measureStart,PAUSE_appBackground pause,${PAUSEDURATION} measureStop # Pause after user close # applicationCloseAll pause,${PAUSEAFTERLOAD} measureStart,PAUSE_afterClose pause,${PAUSEDURATION} measureStop # Close app # applicationKill,MYPACKAGE pause,${PAUSEAFTERLOAD} measureStart,PAUSE_afterForceKill pause,${PAUSEDURATION} measureStop
Please update MYPACKAGE
with your data. For web, use the browser package as
In this part, we successively :
Measure idle with application in background
Measure our device after application was close by
As previously described, put application in background, close or kill application is not useful for our analysis. They are not between measureStart
and measureStop
and they won’t be measured.