MAJ 03-01-24
The Greenspector Domain-specific language (GDSL) is used by Greenspector Studio to describe an user journey. By convention, files written in GDSL use .testgb
Basic structure
To indicate what needs to be measured, the same structure is used for each step:
measureStart,STEPNAME instructions measureStop
Every instruction between measureStart
and measureStop
will be measured while everything outside will be ignored:
measureStart,STEPNAME1 # Measured in STEPNAME1 instructions measureStop # Not measured instructions measureStart,STEPNAME2 # Measured in STEPNAME2 instructions measureStop
Some rules has to be respected for a fully working automation:
1 instruction by line
comment with
on a separate lineeventual parameters follow instruction separated by
A parameter which contain symbol ,
isn’t allowed.
Example In GDSL:
# comment measureStart,STEPNAME enterText,my first text measureStop
Several instruction are available to automatise an user journey. Here are the prefix of the main commands:
instructions are related to start, kill, clear, install or uninstall appsassert
instructions allow to check the presence of an elementbrowser
instructions are special instructions to manage browser for web testsclick
instructions offer several way to click on buttons by text, id, position, etcfind
instructions browses in UI elements hierarchy to easily find to a specific elementpause
to pause test during a certain amount of timepress
instructions are useful to activate special buttons, as keyboard or physical buttonsscroll
instructions allows to move on a page horizontally or vertically.scroll
reproduces a movement where finger press screen, then move, then release.swipe
reproduces only a sliding movement.wait
instructions are helpful after a page change to wait a page to be fully loaded
Others specific commands exists to manipulate texts, settings, screen, form, OTP authentifications, etc.
The global documentation can be found here:
Measure type
Four type of measures are used, and currently indicated in prefix of step name:
for loading steps:Typical use is display of a new view : application start, button click resulting a page change
It has to finish with a
instruction to wait for full loading
assertNotExistsText,Accept cookies measureStart,CHRGT_example pressEnter waitUntilText,Accept cookies pause,${PAUSEAFTERLOAD} measureStop
for pause steps:Typical use is to observe the behaviour of the page without user action to detect unusual data or energy consumption
measureStart,PAUSE_example pause,${PAUSEDURATION} measureStop
for action steps:Typical use is an action with doesn’t result in the display of a new view
Multiple action can be grouped if it makes a functional sense
measureStart,ACTION_example clickByText,Accept cookies pause,${PAUSEAFTERACTION} clickById,onetrust-accept-btn-handler pause,${PAUSEAFTERLOAD} measureStop
for scroll steps:
measureStart,SCROLL_example swipeDown pause,${PAUSEAFTERSCROLL} swipeDown pause,${PAUSEAFTERLOAD} measureStop
We notice a pause before the end of each step to measure residual consumptions and loads.
A common practice is to use a variable to define the pause instruction at the end of each type of step.
Variables use in GDSL will be explained in the dedicated section.