Troubleshooting wait elements

Troubleshooting wait elements


1 - The function waitUntilPageLoaded doesn’t work every time

This function should be replaced with a function like waitUntilText or waitUntilId.

2 - The measures don’t go until the same page

Between 2 measurement iterations, the loading time of a page can be slightly different.

Solution: use wait commands

Functions like waitUntilText and waitUntilId should be used to make sure the pages are loaded.

These checkpoints should be used after each page load.


measureStart,CHRGT_xxxx click... waitUntil... pause,${PAUSEAFTERLOAD} measureStop

3 - Installation windows not visible in next iteration

Solution 1: It is mandatory to automate this step if the test bench is used.

Solution 2: Switch to testrunner mode with local device to avoid reinstalling the application at each iteration.