Before using meter
command, you have to define the application and the version you are working on by setting the configuration file in the current folder by following instructions in paragraph CLI#Current working folder configuration in $CURRENT_FOLDER/.greenspector/config.yml.
Send measures
Use this subcommand to send the results files from the current folder to the server:
Before using testbench
command, you have to define the application and the version you are working on by setting the configuration file in the current folder by following instructions in paragraph CLI#Current working folder configuration in $CURRENT_FOLDER/.greenspector/config.yml.
Set the environment
To use the testbench
command, you first need to set the environment for your project.
To do so, you should use this command:
7 - --extra:
Use to transmit extras parameters to your instrumentation with the format name=value (ie . Optional
You can use custom parameters to fill parameters on your GDSL file. For example --extra PARAMETERNAME="value" will replace all ${PARAMETERNAME} in the GDSL file by value
You can use predefined extra parameters to configure the phone before running GDSL file test
config-skipsetupphone: if "true" then skip the setup configuration that happens before test.
config-waitForIdle: if "false" set idle timeout to 0
config-screenofftimeout: Set the time of inactivity before the screen goes to sleep (in millisecond)
config-screenbrightness: set brightness of the screen. value is between 0 and 255config-gps: if "enabled" then activate location on phone before test
config-bluetooth: if "enabled" then activate bluetooth on phone before test
config-nfc: if "enabled" then activate NFC on phone before test
config-darkmode: if "enabled" then activate the dark mode on phone before test
You can filter your custom UIAutomator tests (no GDSL tests) using those extras parameters. For example, --extra annotation=com.greenspector.demo.test.MyAnnotation add the following parameters to your instrumentation -e annotation com.greenspector.demo.test.MyAnnotation). Thus you can filter your tests for example using those extras parameters : https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/test/runner/AndroidJUnitRunner ). It can also be used to fill parameters on GDSL file. (exemple --extra PARAMETERNAME="value" will replace all ${PARAMETERNAME} in the GDSL file by value). Optional
8 - --networkMode: The network mode for the test. Values can be "WIFI", "4G", "3G" or "2G". (Default: WIFI). Optional